Style Coach Program x Luciana Mazza: 

Elevate your Personal Brand through style. 

A comprehensive coaching program designed to help clients to find clarity in their Personal Brand through style. Just as any successful brand requires careful consideration and planning, your Personal Brand is no exception. This transformative program will guide you through the process of crafting a powerful and genuine image that aligns with your unique personality, values, and goals.

In this collaborative process we will dive into how you want to represent yourself to the world from a visual perspective, explore your authentic self and define what your Personal Brand looks like, while gaining clarity and increasing self-awareness.

The Process

1. STYLE COACHING SESSION: Discovering together your Personal Brand and identifying core values, strengths and purpose. A one-hour online session aiming to analyse your lifestyle and how image can influence your life. Exploring your personality, your goals, your routine and challenges so we can develop an image in harmony with the future you.

2. THE WARDROBE EXPERIENCE: A three-hour in person session aiming to decluttering, editing and reorganising your existing wardrobe. A thorough closet analysis, including outfit and accessories coordination, and personal tips. The goal is to build an optimal wardrobe, putting outfits together which you can mix and match on repeat and to identify what is missing. An immersive and fun experience that will elevate your self-confidence. 

3. PROPOSAL & CLOSING SESSION: Showing your new you to the world. A one-hour online session to review learnings and explore new paths. In this closing session you will receive a comprehensive tailor made proposal that will help you create a signature style that reflects and enhances your persona. The proposal includes a visual mood board, insights and recommendations, and a checklist of essential items to add to your wardrobe. Sharing and celebrating your new elevated self will help you appreciate and enjoy the journey.

Duration of the program: 3 Weeks

Want to go further?

CONTENT PRODUCTION: A profesional photo shoot planned to produce powerful content and celebrate the new you, bringing your renewed style to life and creating content aligned with your goals. A fun shooting session with your best looks, in a studio or on location, to celebrate your unique personality.

Request pricing HERE

Schedule a Discovery Call  HERE

Get in touch |  |  +34 693910068

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